Find your local Main Area Sales Manager

If you are an installer or independent merchant, our team of experts are happy to help with any queries on our range of Main Heating boilers, water heaters or cylinders.

Find the contact details for your local Main representative below. If you have a general enquiry about our products or services, please contact us.

Region/Postcodes Area sales manager Email Tel
 BB, BL, HX Nick Smith 07720 470524
 M, OL, SK
Joe Burgess 07442 508094
 DH, DL, TS Paul Trotman  07825 095013
 CH, L, LL Thomas Elder 07824 409360
 NE David W Lucas 07919 396541
BD, HG, LS, YO Michael Martin 07825 848662
 HD, S, WF Paul Bentley 07841 416219
 DN, HU, LN Ian Scott 07885 667184
 NG Matthew Seaman 07825 276148
 CB, NR, PE Andrew Dickenson 07436 533905

George Rogers 07436 533726
 CM, CO, IP, SS David Fordham 07436 533726
 EX, PL, TA, TQ, TR Richard Seagar 07780 259746
 B Steve Taylor 07920 203904
BH, DT, PO, SO, SP Peter Cockbill 07407 626513
BA, BS, GL, OX, SN Sarah Roberts 07795 960290
 DY, SY, TF, WR, WV Jason Field 07436 834862
 CW, ST, WS Dan Reeves 07436 533920
 CF, HR, NP Will Jenkins 07483 001355
 WA, WN Vacant

 DE, LE Niall Troy  07771 563414
 E, EC, EN, IG, N Jerome Harrison 07436 533790
 BN, GU, KT, RH, SW, TN Simon Foord simon.foord@baxi, 07483 001366
 BR, CR, CT, DA, ME, RM, SE, SM Steven Bates 07442 509897
 AL, HA, HP, UB, WD David Janssens 07717 421158
 LU, MK, NN, SG Rober Kiff 07483 019758
 DG, G, KA, PA David Black 07753 864655
 AB, DD, IV, KW, KY, PH Andrew Wilson 07841 416203
 EH, FK, ML, TD Duncan Loraine 07824 491663
 SR Robin Kennedy 07436 533824
 BT Sharon English 07966 585902
 CA, FY, LA, PR Chris Heslop 07436 533796
 LD, SA David Pritchard 07483 001355
NW, RG, SL, TW, W, WC Vacant